What are The 5Ms?

In today’s society, life is busy.  Crazy busy.  There never appears to be enough hours in the day to do EVERYTHING we need to do.  Even with the advent of technology to help us, there is simply not enough time to check off the things on our “to do” list.

But….there is a change.  And it’s starting to become a “snowball of change”.  In fact there appears to be a recent turn in our culture to reflect the fact that we are acknowledging this crazy, busy lifestyle and moving towards a more simpler life.  With tv shows that depict “tiny homes”, decluttering as a trendy term, and people moving out into the country, it seems like people want to enjoy life…but on simpler terms.

But it’s not just about “finding the time” to do something.  It’s also about being present in the moment and taking an assessment of yourself.  Then taking that knowledge and collection of skills and preparing for the future.  When we talk about the different stages of life – infancy, childhood, adulthood, and retirement – it seems as though people are trying to prepare for the next stage in life, but are not always aware of what they need to have or do.  Not everyone appears to be prepared.

I created this website as a way to share information, products, strategies etc to address what I feel is a growing trend to combat our crazy lifestyles and live a more simpler and enjoyable life.  But I also created it to prepare families for life now and for what comes next.  I feel that being prepared for life’s ups and downs is essential to leading a fulfilling life.

What are the 5Ms?


The 5Ms

These 5 words (as I will lovingly call “The 5 M’s) are what my focus will be.

Please follow me as we go along together on this journey we call life.






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